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Commercial truck drivers and their health

By Butler Prather LLP on February 17, 2017

Commercial truck drivers in Georgia should be aware of the results of a study conducted by the University of Utah School of Medicine. According to the study, it can be difficult for them to remain healthy due the extended periods of time they have to sit and their poor eating and sleeping habits. Also, commercial truck drivers with three or more health conditions have four times the chances of getting into a crash.

The medical records of approximately 50,000 commercial truck drivers were examined by the researchers. Out of those drivers, 34 percent showed signs of having multiple health issues that could negatively affect their driving performances. The health issues include diabetes, heart disease and lower back pain. The researchers also examined the crash histories of the drivers. They discovered that drivers who had at least three of the health issues had a greater chance of having been involved in a crash.

In calculating the crash rates among the commercial truck drivers, the researchers considered how much commercial driving experience the drivers had, their age and any other factors that could affect their driving abilities. For all of the drivers, the rate for crashes that involved injuries was 29 per 100 million miles traveled. The rate for drivers who had at least three health issues was 93 per 100 million miles traveled. The lead researcher of the study stated that the results indicate that the presence of declining health can increase the likelihood of a crash, including preventable ones.

Being on the road for long periods of time could also lead to truck drivers dozing off at the wheel. Occupants of other vehicles who have been injured in a semi truck accident caused by a sleepy, groggy or otherwise distracted truck driver may want to have legal assistance when seeking compensation for their losses.

Posted in: Truck Accidents


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